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Gameplay Mechanics

Gameplay mechanics in Legends of Elysium

Gameplay mechanics in Legends of Elysium, where strategy meets fantasy in a unique blend of collectible card and board game elements. Legends of Elysium combines mechanics known from trading card games such as Magic the Gathering, Hearthstone and Pokemon with mechanics known from board games such as Catan, Terra Mystica and Neuroshima Hex.


The game board is made of hexes. At the start of the battle, all hexes are empty. Each turn players get to terraform up to 2 hexes into the lands of their choosing eg. Forest, Farmland or Mountain. Those lands are an important aspect of mechanics, as in order to play a card, a cost in mana has to be paid and requirement in lands has to be met.

Gameplay in Legends of Elysium, where strategy meets fantasy in a unique blend of collectible card and board game elements.Legends of Elysium combines mechanics known from trading card games such as Magic the Gathering, Hearthstone and Pokemon with mechanics known from board games such as Catan, Terra Mystica and Neuroshima Hex.


Each turn players can do any of the following actions:

Actions in turn in Legends of ElysiumDescription
Cast a spellUse magical card abilities to influence the game.
Summon a unitBring creatures or characters into play.
Move unitsRelocate your units on the board.
Attack opponent units or heroesEngage in combat with enemy forces.
Terraform empty hex into the landChange the terrain to suit your strategy.
Draw a cardAdd a card from your deck to your hand.
Discard a cardRemove a card from your hand, in exchange for 1 mana

How to terraform hexes? / How to build lands?

One of the main mechanics in Legends of Elysium is terraforming empty hexes into lands. This allows players to develop their own strategy associated with their card decks as cards require specific lands in order to be played. Terraforming hexes costs 1 mana for each action taken.

To terraform empty hex into land:

  1. Click on the land of your choosing (eg. Forest, Farm, Mountain) on the Hex of Actions.
  2. Click on the empty hex you would like to terraform into the chosen land.

How to terraform hexes How to build lands One of the main mechanics in Legends of Elysium is terraforming empty hexes into lands.

Note: you can only terraform hexes that are adjacent to your hero, lands or units.

How to draw a card?

At the start of each turn players draw 1 card automatically. This amount can be changed by the unit skills and Special Fields. Players can draw an extra card by using the Hex of Actions in the right bottom corner. Drawing an extra card costs 1 mana.

To draw a card:

  1. Click on the cards button on the Hex of Actions.
  2. Once you do this, a card will be drawn.

Hex of Actions

Hex of Actions is located in the right-bottom corner of the screen. It allows players to perform up to 2 actions available on it per turn.

Hex of Actions is located in the right-bottom corner of the screen. It allows players to perform up to 2 actions available on it per turn. The actions include terraforming empty hexes into Farmland, Forest, Mountain or drawing an extra card. Each of these actions cost 1 mana.

Using the Hex of Actions, each turn players can:

  1. Terraform 2 empty hexes into the land of their choosing
  2. Terraform 1 empty hex into the land of their choosing and draw 1 card

!Note: Players cannot draw 2 cards using the Hex of Actions.

How to summon a unit?

To summon a unit to the game board, you need to have enough mana to pay the summoning cost and meet the requirement of lands indicated on the card. Unit cards that can be played can be identified by a green glow around the cards.

how to summon a unit in Legends of Elysium. To summon a unit to the battleground you need to have enough mana to pay the summoning cost and meet the requirement of lands indicated on the card. Unit cards that can be played can be identified by a green glow around the cards.

To summon a unit:

  1. Click on the unit card you would like to summon.
  2. Click on the land, where you would like to summon the chosen unit.
  3. Unit has been summoned:- if the unit has any Awakening skill, it will activate immediately. Check more card triggers.
    – if the unit has Awakening skill requiring player action (eg. terraforming hex), the player needs to choose where the skill should be casted.

How to move units?

Units that were summoned to the game board can be moved. Units can only move through existing lands of both players. Exception to that rule are flying units, which can move over empty hexes. Units can move by 1 hex, unless they have special abilities such as Fast or Flying.

How to move units? Units that were summoned to the game board can be moved. Units can only move through existing lands of both players. Exception to that rule are flying units, which can move over empty hexes. Units can move by 1 hex, unless they have special abilities such as Fast or Flying.

To move a unit:

  1. Click on the unit you would like to move.
  2. Click on the land, where you would like to move it. Lands where the movement is possible will be highlighted.

How to attack opponent units and hero?

Units that are already on the game board can attack other units and the opponent hero.

How to attack opponent units and hero? Units that are already on the game board can attack other units and the opponent hero.

How to attack:

  1. Click on your unit which you would like to attack with.
  2. Click on the unit you would like to attack. Units possible to attack will be highlighted in red.

How to cast a spell?

To cast a spell in Legends of Elysium, you need to have enough mana to pay the casting cost and meet the requirement of lands indicated on the card. Spell cards that can be played can be identified by a green glow around the cards.

How to cast a spell? To cast a spell in Legends of Elysium, you need to have enough mana to pay the casting cost and meet the requirement of lands indicated on the card. Spell cards that can be played can be identified by a green glow around the cards.

To cast a spell:

  1. Click on the spell card you would like to cast.
  2. To cast the spell:- if it is a general spell, click anywhere on the board to cast it
    – if it is a targeted spell, click on the unit or hex to cast it

How to discard a card?

Each turn, players can discard one card from their hand to receive 1 mana.

How to discard a card? Each turn, players can discard one card from their hand to receive 1 mana. To discard a card: Click on the mana bar in the bottom-left corner. Click on the card you would like to discard. Once the card is discarded, the player receives 1 mana.

To discard a card:

  1. Click on the mana bar in the bottom-left corner.
  2. Click on the card you would like to discard.
  3. Once the card is discarded, the player receives 1 mana.