Card Rarity
In Legends of Elysium, cards’ rarity informs the player how unique the given card is. There are cards of four rarities available in the game – Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary.
Cards’ rarity can be identified by the color of the gem on the card above its name. Gray color represents Common cards, blue – Rare, purple – Epic and gold – Legendary.
Card Rarity | Gem Color |
Common | Gray |
Rare | Blue |
Epic | Purple |
Legendary | Gold |
Common Cards
Common cards, identifiable by a gray gem above their name, are the most frequently encountered cards in Legends of Elysium. Although they may lack the unique abilities of rarer cards, they can prove to be a reliable foundation for any deck. A player can have a maximum of two identical copies of each common card in their deck.
Rare Cards
Rare cards bring a bit more power and versatility to the battleground. They can be identified by a blue gem above the cards’ name. Acquiring a greater number of these units or spells will undoubtedly enrich a player’s strategic possibilities. Similarly to common cards, a deck can contain a maximum of two identical copies of a given Rare card.
Epic Cards
Epic cards can be identified by a purple gem above the cards’ name. Including an Epic card in your deck is the moment when the gameplay becomes much more interesting. Epic cards, besides having significantly higher defensive and offensive parameters, stand out with special abilities that can dramatically alter the course of the game. In the deck, you can have a maximum of one copy of the same card from the many available variants. This still means that a player can have several to a dozen Epic cards in their deck, but each of them has to be different.
Legendary Cards
The crème de la crème of the Legends of Elysium card collection, Legendary cards are a sight worth seeing. They can be identified by a gold gem above the cards’ name. Epic cards are not only exceptionally rare but also boast the most powerful abilities and statistics in the game. In fact, because they are exceptional, only one Legendary card can appear in each deck. Often, it is this single card that determines the placement of other cards in the deck as part of the player’s elaborate strategy.
Card Rarity | Description |
Common | The most ordinary cards available in the game and the foundation of every deck. |
Rare | Cards that are slightly more challenging to acquire, with correspondingly increased utility. |
Epic | More powerful cards that require more skill to use efficiently than Common & Rare cards. A deck is allowed a maximum of 1 identical copy of each Epic card. |
Legendary | The most powerful cards in the game. A deck can have a maximum of one type of such card. |
Balanced Strategy
It might seem that players would only desire Epic cards in their deck with one powerful Legendary card to rule them all! Though tempting as it is, thanks to the mana and land mechanics, this kind of strategy may not bring the expected result. Finding the balance and right strategy by inclusion of all types of card rarities may be the key to becoming a legendary player. In the end, it is the player who is responsible for the chosen strategy, which other players will verify during remarkable battles!